Heavenly Father – all in heaven and on the earth is yours, and everything I have is from you. Grant me the grace to increase my trust in you and decrease my dependence on material things. Help me to know you as a Father who desires always to share blessings with his children. Especially in my stewardship, show me how you want me to use the money and resources you have given me to build your Kingdom. Thank you, that as I give I am able to honor and worship you and extend blessings to others. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Giving online is simple and secure. Give a one-time gift or schedule ongoing donations using your debit or credit card. Please select the giving option that works best for you and your family.
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The Bible is clear as can be: everything belongs to God. We are stewards of what he has put into our hands. We are grateful that you place your trust in us, that we will use the resources you give to advance the work and the movement of God’s kingdom. Your contributions; either weekly or monthly, are essential to funding what God is doing among us.
We live in a society that less and less carries cash and more and more exchanges money electronically. There are many benefits to electronic giving.
For you it provides:
For your parish community giving electronically helps Saint Ambrose Church in many ways:
It saves our parish considerable time and expense. It helps bring consistency to our parish by giving us a better idea of the funds we will have coming in week after week so we can make our ministries and programs as far-reaching and effective as possible.
You might be asking yourself What Will I Do When they Pass the Offertory Basket?
Because the tradition of the offertory collection is so important to all of us and to our liturgy, we can provide you with “offertory cards” that you can choose to place in the collection basket as a visible sign of your support.
It’s Fast, Simple and Secure.
The online donations and payments system meets the same security standards as online banking. Plus, your online gifts cannot be lost or stolen. So as long as you are using a secure internet connection, online gifts can have fewer risks than carrying cash and checks. And there is instant tracking and recording of all transactions.